Under the Apple Tree is a place for integrative healing experiences, body-centered therapies and education about expanded states of consciousness.

Our mission & vision

We guide our clients on their journey towards self-discovery and healing as proactive architects of their own wellbeing and mental health in a world where conventional approaches fall short.

We create a safe space for integrative experiences, body-centered therapies and education about extended states of consciousness.

The nature of human existence is relational, interconnected and never separate from the whole. When we heal, develop or transform ourselves we cause ripple effects in the larger collective. We store many of our ailments in our bodies and while verbalizing or analyzing them can be helpful, healing and integration is a non-linear process involving the body, mind and consciousness.

We believe that humans should be free to practice their personal spirituality and expand their consciousness via any means available if they do not harm themselves and others by doing so. Entheogens are one of the many tools to elevate consciousness and improve health and must be used with caution and wisdom. We are dedicated to raising awareness about the safe use of psychedelics as one of the several tools to expand human consciousness.

  • Our vision

    We are honored to witness the healing and transformation of every individual and collective that crosses our path. We are merely guides on our client’s journey.

    Our vision is to provide a safe container for expanded states of consciousness and psychedelic-assisted therapy blending latest science, ancient natural wisdom and modern approaches to psychotherapy. We recognise psychedelic assisted therapy as one of several effective therapeutic modalities that requires excellence, wisdom and mastery to practice safely. Our vision is to provide education, services and experiences for both therapists and clients.


  • Founder, CEO

    Kristina is a psychologist, coach and psychedelic-assisted therapist in training. Her dedication to transformation and systemic change demonstrates over a decade practicing organizational psychology, executive advisory, startup coaching and activism in 7+ countries. A brain injury has put Kristina on a path of an in-depth discovery of the human brain and expanded states of consciousness. She centers her approach around the potential of both individuals and groups and rejects efforts to pathologise and medicalise people as if their wellbeing was separate from their environment. In her training she focuses on body and trauma - centered therapeutic modalities. She speaks frequently about wellbeing and mental health and believes in the transformational power of trust and awareness-based communities.

  • Co-founder

    Marek is a data & business strategist with over 8 years of experience in the tech industry. His desire to craft services that resonate deeply with customers has been a hallmark of his career. At present, Marek leads the global analytics team at Uber Eats from his base in NYC. His expertise is distinguished by his unique ability to blend a broad, global perspective with acute awareness of local and cultural dynamics - a duality that has been essential in collaborating with diverse teams across various regions. He is a strong advocate for personal freedom and creating an environment where individuals are free to fulfil their potential in ways that are safe and respectful of others.

  • Communications Manager

    Lucia is a communication strategist. She graduated in social and public communication at the London School of Economics, where she researched the impact of narratives on health campaigns. She has worked on strategic communication for nonprofits as well as multiple commercial clients including startups in sustainable mobility and health tech. Lucia loves to dive deep into behavioural science and social psychology for inspiration and insights. As a former copywriter and idea maker, she has always admired the power of words combined with creativity – in communication just as much as in life itself.

  • Content Creator

    Zuzana is a psychology graduate from UCL with a passion for exploring ways to enhance mental wellbeing. She has experience working with neurodivergent individuals and young people with mental health difficulties, and is particularly interested in how neuroscience can inform strategies for promoting mental health and wellbeing. Zuzana believes that cultivating a deep connection with nature and fostering a non-judgemental awareness of one's own thoughts, emotions, and bodily sensations are essential for health and happiness.

  • Coach, Facilitator

    As an executive and startup coach, Janet’s focus is on conscious leadership, team cohesion, and intercultural competence. ​​She has 25 years of leadership development experience on five continents with lived experience from 16 years in Central Europe and several more living in Zambia, Russia, United States and Canada. Her clients include Boeing, O2, the Slovak Ministry of Finance, China Southern Airlines, IBM and Allianz, in addition to several nonprofit organizations. Janet is also the host and producer of the Syndrome mag., a podcast that addresses gender equality and women empowerment through humor.

  • Organizational psychologist, Facilitator

    Dina is an organisational psychologist with a degree in organisational and social psychology from the London School of Economics. She believes that organisational cultures are shaped through developing people and through creating an inclusive work environment where everyone feels fulfilled. She has experience designing large-scale leadership development programs, consulting meeting culture and using psychometric tools. Her research focuses on how perfectionism affects people in the workplace.

Get started with Under The Apple Tree, today.